Most Popular Cooking Tips For Making Crispy Tofu

In this article, you will discover the most popular cooking tips for making crispy tofu. Whether you’re a seasoned tofu enthusiast or new to the world of this versatile ingredient, these tips will help you achieve that perfect golden and crispy texture that we all crave. From choosing the right tofu and preparing it properly to incorporating the right cooking techniques and flavors, you’ll be well on your way to creating mouthwatering crispy tofu dishes that are sure to impress. So, grab your apron and get ready to elevate your tofu-cooking skills to a whole new level!

Table of Contents

Pressing the Tofu

Choose the right tofu

Before we dive into the process of making crispy tofu, it is essential to select the right type of tofu. For achieving a crispy exterior, it is recommended to use extra-firm tofu. The firmness of the tofu is crucial as it will allow the excess moisture to be drained out easily during the pressing process. So, when you head to the grocery store, make sure to pick up a package of extra-firm tofu for the best results.

Wrap the tofu in paper towels

Once you have your extra-firm tofu ready, the next step is to remove the excess moisture from it. To do this, you will need some paper towels. Carefully unwrap the tofu and place it on a stack of paper towels. Then, wrap the tofu firmly in the paper towels to absorb the moisture. This step is essential as it helps to ensure that the tofu achieves the desired crispy texture.

Place a weight on top of the tofu

After wrapping the tofu in paper towels, it’s time to apply some pressure to aid in the moisture removal process. Place a weight on top of the wrapped tofu, such as a heavy plate or a skillet. This weight will help compress the tofu, allowing the moisture to be squeezed out more effectively. Leave the weight on top of the tofu for at least 30 minutes, giving enough time for the moisture to be expelled.

Press for at least 30 minutes

Pressing the tofu is a crucial step in achieving crispiness. The longer you press the tofu, the better the results will be. Aim to press the tofu for at least 30 minutes, but if you have the time, feel free to press it for longer. This extended pressing time helps to remove as much moisture as possible, resulting in a firmer texture and improved crispiness when cooking the tofu.

Marinating the Tofu

Cut the tofu into desired shape

Now that you have successfully pressed the tofu, it’s time to give it some flavor. Start by cutting the tofu into your desired shape. You can opt for cubes, rectangles, or even slices, depending on your preference and how you plan to use the tofu. Remember to cut the tofu into uniform pieces to ensure even marination and cooking.

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Prepare the marinade

The key to adding flavor to your tofu lies in the marinade. You can get creative with your marinade by combining various ingredients to suit your taste preferences. A simple marinade can be made with soy sauce, garlic, ginger, and a touch of sesame oil. Feel free to experiment with different herbs, spices, and sauces to create unique flavors for your tofu.

Place the tofu in the marinade

Once the marinade is ready, it’s time to infuse the tofu with all those delicious flavors. Gently place the cut tofu into a shallow dish or a ziplock bag and pour the marinade over it, ensuring that all the tofu pieces are well-coated. Use a spoon or your hands to ensure an even distribution of the marinade. Let the tofu marinate for at least 15 minutes, allowing the flavors to penetrate and enhance its taste.

Let it marinate for at least 15 minutes

Marinating the tofu for a sufficient amount of time is crucial to ensure that it absorbs all the flavors. While the minimum recommended time is 15 minutes, you can certainly marinate it for longer if you prefer a stronger taste. The longer the tofu marinates, the more intense the flavor will be. However, be cautious not to marinate it for too long, as it can affect the texture and make the tofu mushy.

Most Popular Cooking Tips For Making Crispy Tofu

Coating the Tofu

Prepare the coating mixture

To achieve that perfectly crispy exterior, coating the marinated tofu is essential. You can create a coating mixture using a variety of ingredients. A popular option is a combination of cornstarch, flour, salt, and pepper. The cornstarch helps in creating that coveted crunchiness, while the flour adds some additional substance to the coating. Feel free to experiment with different ratios and spices to create your own unique coating mixture.

Dip the marinated tofu into the coating mixture

Once your coating mixture is ready, it’s time to give the tofu a crispy makeover. Take each marinated tofu piece and dip it into the coating mixture, ensuring it is fully covered on all sides. Gently pat the coating onto the tofu to ensure it adheres properly. Dipping the tofu into the coating mixture is a crucial step to create a barrier between the tofu and the cooking method, allowing it to crisp up beautifully.

Ensure the tofu is evenly coated

To achieve a consistent and satisfying crunch, it’s essential to ensure that the tofu is evenly coated. Pay attention to every nook and cranny, making sure each piece is covered in the coating mixture. Use your fingers or a spoon to gently press the coating onto the tofu, helping it adhere and create a uniform layer. Even coating will result in a more enjoyable and visually appealing final dish.

Shake off any excess coating

As you coat the tofu, it’s natural to end up with some excess coating mixture. To avoid a clumpy or overly thick coating, gently shake or tap each tofu piece to remove any loose or excess coating. This step is crucial as it ensures that the tofu is evenly covered with just the right amount of coating, allowing for a balanced texture and taste.

Choosing the Right Cooking Method


One popular method for cooking crispy tofu is pan-frying. Heat some oil in a non-stick pan over medium-high heat. Once the oil is hot, carefully place the coated tofu in the pan, making sure not to overcrowd it. Cook the tofu until it turns golden brown on each side, usually around 3-4 minutes per side. Once the tofu is beautifully crispy, remove it from the pan and let it rest on paper towels to absorb any excess oil.


If you prefer a healthier cooking method that still delivers on crispiness, baking is an excellent choice. Preheat your oven to a high temperature, usually around 425°F (220°C). Place the coated tofu on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or a silicone mat. Bake the tofu for about 25-30 minutes, flipping it halfway through for even browning. Baking allows for a well-cooked and crispy exterior without the need for excessive oil.

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For a truly indulgent and ultra-crispy tofu, deep-frying is the way to go. Fill a deep fryer or a large pot with oil and heat it to around 375°F (190°C). Carefully lower the coated tofu into the hot oil and fry until it achieves a glorious golden brown color. Deep-frying generally takes around 3-4 minutes, but keep an eye on the tofu and adjust the time accordingly. Once fried to perfection, remove the tofu from the oil and drain it on paper towels to remove excess grease.


If you have an air fryer in your kitchen arsenal, it can be a fantastic tool for achieving crispy tofu. Preheat the air fryer to a high temperature, usually around 400°F (200°C). Place the coated tofu in the air fryer basket, ensuring there is enough space between each piece for proper air circulation. Cook the tofu for approximately 15-20 minutes, shaking or flipping it halfway through to promote even crisping. Air-frying provides a healthier alternative to deep-frying while still delivering that sought-after crunchiness.

Most Popular Cooking Tips For Making Crispy Tofu

Pan-frying the Tofu

Heat oil in a non-stick pan

To pan-fry the tofu, start by heating some oil in a non-stick pan over medium-high heat. It’s crucial to use an oil with a high smoke point, such as vegetable or peanut oil, to ensure that the tofu achieves a crispy exterior without burning.

Place the coated tofu in the pan

Once the oil is hot, carefully place the coated tofu in the pan, making sure not to overcrowd it. Giving each piece enough space will help ensure even cooking and browning. If needed, cook the tofu in batches to maintain the pan’s temperature and avoid steaming the tofu instead of frying it.

Cook until golden brown on each side

Allow the tofu to cook undisturbed for about 3-4 minutes, or until it turns golden brown on one side. Resist the temptation to continuously flip or move the tofu around, as it may hinder the desired crispiness. Once one side is golden brown, flip the tofu using tongs or a spatula and cook for an additional 3-4 minutes on the other side, until it achieves a beautiful golden hue.

Remove from the pan and let it rest on paper towels

Once the tofu is cooked to perfection, carefully remove it from the pan using tongs or a spatula. Place the cooked tofu on a plate lined with paper towels to absorb any excess oil. Allowing the tofu to rest on paper towels helps to ensure a lighter and less greasy final product. It also helps to maintain the crispiness as it prevents the tofu from becoming soggy due to trapped moisture.

Baking the Tofu

Preheat the oven

To bake the tofu, start by preheating your oven to a high temperature, usually around 425°F (220°C). Preheating the oven ensures that the tofu cooks evenly and achieves that desired crispy texture.

Place the coated tofu on a baking sheet

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone mat for easy cleanup. Carefully place the coated tofu on the baking sheet, ensuring that each piece is evenly spaced to promote even browning.

Bake at a high temperature for optimal crispiness

Slide the baking sheet into the preheated oven and let the tofu bake for about 25-30 minutes. The high temperature and extended baking time will help the coating turn golden brown and crisp up nicely. Keep an eye on the tofu as it bakes and rotate the baking sheet halfway through to ensure even cooking.

Rotate the tofu halfway through baking

To guarantee even browning on both sides, gently flip the tofu midway through the baking process. This simple step allows for uniform crispiness and golden color on all sides of the tofu. Use a spatula or tongs to carefully rotate each piece, making sure not to disturb the coating too much.

Most Popular Cooking Tips For Making Crispy Tofu

Deep-frying the Tofu

Heat oil in a deep fryer or large pot

To achieve that ultimate crispy texture, deep-frying is the way to go. Fill a deep fryer or a large pot with enough oil to submerge the tofu completely. Heat the oil to around 375°F (190°C). It’s important to use an oil with a high smoke point, such as vegetable or peanut oil, for deep-frying.

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Carefully lower the coated tofu into the hot oil

Once the oil reaches the desired temperature, carefully lower the coated tofu into the hot oil. Ensure that you don’t overcrowd the pot or fryer, as this can result in uneven cooking and lower the oil temperature, affecting the crispiness. Fry the tofu for about 3-4 minutes, or until it turns a beautiful golden brown color.

Fry until golden brown and crispy

Allow the tofu to fry until it achieves a golden brown and crispy exterior. Keep a close eye on the tofu as it fries, adjusting the cooking time as needed. The temperature and time provided are general guidelines, but ultimately the visual aspect will be your best indicator of when the tofu is perfectly cooked and crispy.

Remove from the oil and drain on paper towels

Once the tofu is golden brown and crispy, carefully remove it from the oil using tongs or a slotted spoon. Place the fried tofu on a plate lined with paper towels to drain any excess oil. This step is crucial to ensure a lighter and less greasy final product. Let the tofu rest on the paper towels for a moment to absorb any excess oil before serving.

Air-frying the Tofu

Preheat the air fryer

If you have an air fryer, it can be a fantastic option for achieving crispy tofu. Preheat your air fryer to a high temperature, usually around 400°F (200°C). Preheating is important to ensure that the tofu cooks evenly and achieves that desired crispiness.

Place the coated tofu in the air fryer basket

Once the air fryer is preheated, carefully place the coated tofu into the air fryer basket. Ensure that there is enough space between each piece for proper air circulation. Overcrowding the basket can result in uneven cooking and compromise the crispy texture.

Cook at a high temperature for optimal crispiness

Slide the air fryer basket back into the machine and set the cooking time to approximately 15-20 minutes. Cooking the tofu at a high temperature for a sufficient amount of time will result in a crispy exterior. Shake or flip the tofu halfway through the cooking process to ensure even browning and crunchiness on all sides.

Shake or flip the tofu halfway through cooking

To promote even cooking and browning, gently shake or flip the tofu halfway through the cooking time. This helps to ensure that all sides are exposed to the hot air, resulting in a consistently crispy exterior. Use tongs or a spatula to carefully rotate each tofu piece, ensuring minimal disturbance to the coating.

Most Popular Cooking Tips For Making Crispy Tofu

Using Cornstarch for Extra Crispiness

Coat the tofu in cornstarch before marinating

If you are seeking an extra level of crispiness, consider coating the tofu with cornstarch before marinating it. After pressing the tofu, dust each piece with a light layer of cornstarch before placing it in the marinade. The cornstarch helps to absorb moisture from the tofu during the marinating process, ensuring a drier exterior and an enhanced crispy texture.

Cornstarch helps create a crispy exterior

Cornstarch is known for its ability to create a crispy coating when used in cooking. When applied to tofu, cornstarch absorbs moisture and contributes to a lighter, crunchier texture. The cornstarch coating creates a barrier that traps air and moisture within the tofu, creating steam during cooking, which results in a crispy exterior.

Experiment with different ratios of cornstarch

If you enjoy experimenting in the kitchen, don’t be afraid to play around with different ratios of cornstarch. Depending on your personal preferences and desired level of crispiness, you can adjust the amount of cornstarch used in the coating mixture or even consider double-coating the tofu. Experimentation allows you to discover and create the perfect level of crispiness that suits your taste.

Serving and Enjoying Crispy Tofu

Serve hot as a main dish or appetizer

After putting in the effort to achieve crispy tofu, it’s time to reap the delicious rewards. Serve the crispy tofu hot, either as a main dish or as a delightful appetizer. Its versatile nature allows it to be the star of the show or the perfect accompaniment to other dishes.

Pair with dipping sauces or dressings

Elevate the flavors of your crispy tofu even further by serving it with dipping sauces or dressings. Popular options include sweet chili sauce, soy sauce-based dips, peanut sauce, or even a tangy sesame ginger dressing. These sauces complement the tofu’s crispiness while adding an additional layer of flavor.

Combine with vegetables or rice for a complete meal

To create a well-balanced and satisfying meal, pair your crispy tofu with an array of vegetables, whether stir-fried or in the form of a salad. The crunch of the tofu perfectly complements the textures and flavors of fresh, steamed, or roasted vegetables. Alternatively, you can serve the tofu alongside rice or noodles for a filling and complete meal.

Experiment with different flavor combinations

One of the joys of cooking is the endless possibilities for creating unique flavors. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different flavor combinations when making crispy tofu. Try adding spices, herbs, or sauces to the marinade or coating mixture to create a personalized taste that matches your preferences. The world of flavors is at your fingertips, so embrace the opportunity to get creative and enjoy the process of discovering new and exciting taste sensations.

By following these tips and techniques, you’re well on your way to mastering the art of making crispy tofu. Remember to choose the right tofu, press it properly, marinate it to infuse flavor, coat it evenly, and select the ideal cooking method to achieve that alluring crispiness. With some experimentation and creativity, you’ll soon be able to whip up delicious crispy tofu dishes that will impress family, friends, and even yourself. Happy cooking and enjoy every crispy bite!

Most Popular Cooking Tips For Making Crispy Tofu